Smartlink Electrical



  1. Surplus energy that you create but don’t use can be sold back into the main electricity grid.The exact rates vary from individual providers, Smartlink will come to your home to help you through the process and start saving you money.
  2.  When you purchase your solar energy system, you will be allocated a number of Renewable Energy Certificates (STCs). The number of STCs you receive is determined by the size and energy efficiency of your system

A wide variety of factors play a part in determining how much money you can save by purchasing a solar system. Smartlink will work through all of these with you during the design and installation of your system.

To start with however, The Office of the Renewable Energy Regulator is an excellent resource to do additional research about how many STCs may be available to you if you purchase a solar system. A STC calculator is also available if you’re looking to purchase a solar hot water system.

At Smart Link Electrical, we design, supply & install high quality solar systems, take advantage of the generous government rebates available and save money for the years to come
Reducing your electricity bill by using solar energy is certainly a benefit, as is the ability
to sell any surplus solar electricity you may generate back in to the main electricity grid. Other advantages of solar energy include:
  • Protection from rising electricity costs
  • Reduced reliance on electricity companies for energy needs
  • Greenhouse gases are not produced when generating solar energy
  • Increased value to your property
  • Removal of the need for energy transmission infrastructure – generating energy at the
    location it is required means expensive costs of transporting energy to your home (copper wires and
    telegraph poles) are eliminated.
  • Renewable Energy Certificates and Rebates can be treacherous waters to navigate. During
    this process, Eco plus will be by your side to make sure you’re your benefits are maximised.